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18 September 2024 - 19 September 2024
Lyon, France
SIDO 2024
Register now
Open until 17 September 2024

Business meetings: how a partnering event works?

A matchmaking event is a quick and easy way to meet potential cooperation partners !

People meet and greet at high speed. 20 minutes are usually enough to build connections, then the bell rings and the next talk starts.

5 steps for optimising return on investment of your business meetings :


1. Registration | until 17 September 2024

If you have a b2match account, you can log in directly by clicking on “Login” on the top. If not, click on the button “Register now” and fill in your email address, name and surname, and password.

Then, complete your type of participation and your attendance. Your meetings will be organised according to your availabilities. After that, complete your personal and organisation information, write detailed information about your organisation, and select relevant key words regarding your areas of activity.

You will receive an email, notifying that you are registered.


2. Update your profile |

Create a strong and clear profile in the Marketplace, which will raise your visibility to others on this platform. Your profile should describe your product, service or expertise you can offer potential partners ; your cooperation project and partner search ; or specific requests. You will receive an email, notifying that you are registered.

Your profile is your business card, therefore make sure to insert a high quality and meaningfull profile to generate more meetings. Don't forget your profile will be live and visible even after the event.

If your profile is complete, you will receive an email notifying that your profile is activated and public. 


3. Book meetings | 13 may - 17 September 2024

Browse published participants profiles and check which cooperation profiles are the most interesting for you. Use different kind of filters to make a quick identification. Send meeting requests to those you want to meet. Adding a meaningful remark why you are interested in a meeting will increase the chance that your request will be accepted. 

You will be asked to accept or reject meeting requests. Accepted meeting requests will be scheduled automatically according to your availabilities and those of your partner.


- From 1 June to 15 August, you will be able to book only international meetings.

- From 15 August to 12 September, if there are slots available for meetings you will be able book meetings with any type of participant.

About 1-2 days before the event you will receive an email with your detailed meeting schedule.
You can also check your meeting agenda online or via the b2match app on iOS and Android.


4. At the event | 18-19 September 2024

At the registration desk, you will receive an updated version of your meeting schedule including last minute bookings. Your personal meeting schedule lists in chronological order for each meeting with the names of your conversation partners and number of table for each meeting.
Our staff will be at your disposal during the whole matchmaking event.  You can also check your up-to-date schedule by downloading the b2match app available on iOS and Android


5. After the event

After the event, you will be asked to complete the follow-up form. Your Enterprise Europe Network contact will be available to support you in your upcoming cooperation projects.


50 Quai Charles de Gaulles
69006 Lyon, France
Organised by
Participants 85
Meetings 28
France 34
Taiwan 12
Switzerland 9
Spain 9
Lithuania 3
North Macedonia 3
Romania 2
Portugal 2
Belgium 2
Poland 1
Croatia 1
China 1
Czech Republic 1
Tunisia 1
Finland 1
Ireland 1
Germany 1
United Kingdom 1
Total 85
SME (11-250) 43
Start-up (0-10) 19
Mid-Cap (251-2000) 8
Big company (2001+) 4
University 4
R&D Institution 4
Association/Agency 2
Consulting 1
Total 85
Profile views
Total 966